Where the Caravan Camels Roam

Arabian Nights is a very loose retelling of One Thousand and One Nights. What it lacks in magic or monsters, I feel it makes up for in a lighthearted tone. Universal wanted to make an exotic tale after the success of The Thief of Bagdad. With WWII on everyone’s mind, I think a fun adventure was a good enough Christmas present. It wasn’t as well received, but it was nominated for Best Score, Cinematography, Sound Recording, and Art Direction. Arabian Nights uses a harem of beautiful Persian women as a framing device to tell the story of Sherazade. The actual Scheherazade from the book is a storyteller who avoids death by telling her royal husband a story for 1,001 nights.

The movie Sherazade is a seductive dancer who wins the heart of two feuding brothers. The Dominican Maria Montez became a star thanks to her fancy costumes and accent. Though Sherazade is a bit unfeeling as she desires power more than love. Yet Haroun-Al-Raschid and Kamar continue to fight over her. Jon Hall is the well meaning caliph Haroun who ends up usurped by his brother. Leif Erickson is the cruel Kamar, but Edgar Barrier is his advisor Nadan who has it out for both of them. Haroun is found unconscious by (who else?) Sabu in another supporting role where he does most of the heavy lifting. He plays acrobat Ali Ben Ali who disguises Haroun and helps him lay low in their traveling circus.

Comedian Billy Gilbert plays their troop leader Ahmad who gets to do his sneezing routine. Aladdin and Sinbad are part of the story, but they’re both joke characters. John Qualen is Aladdin who desperately searches for another magic lamp. Shemp Howard himself is Sinbad the Sailor who can’t stop talking about his 7 voyages. Jeni Le Gon is Sherazade’s dresser who tries to stay by her side. Haroun agrees to keep his identity secret in order to gain Sherazade’s love without her knowing he’s the caliph. It takes time, but she does eventually return his affection. He fights to free her from slave traders and risks his life to make sure she’s safe with Kamar. Ahmad dresses like a woman and Ali rallies an army just to free Sherazade. The sword fight between Haroun and Kamar makes up for the lack of action. Arabian Nights is a decent comedy masquerading as an adventure flick.

Arabian Nights

Haroun rides with Sherazade

2 thoughts on “Where the Caravan Camels Roam

  1. I only really watched this to see Shemp Howard of The Three Stooges and see him in glorious Technicolor too. The beard they had on him though was too much. Jon Hall and Maria Montez worked together a couple of times and had good chemistry going. Had no idea Leif Erickson was the chief villain, that’s pretty cool and interesting. Comedy and Adventure do go well together when done right, and this wasn’t too bad.

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