Step Siblings

A Very Brady Sequel is a very worthy follow up to The Brady Bunch Movie. Following the same winning formula that made that movie so entertaining. Maybe it’s not as fresh, but I still enjoyed it. The Brady Bunch ran for 5 seasons, so there was no way they could cover everything that made the show so memorable. This time Mike and Carol face a crisis when Carol’s previous husband seems to return after it was assumed he had disappeared. This is a reference to the unexplained marital status of Carol before she married Mike Brady. Something they couldn’t explore back in the 70’s. Just like the first movie, everybody has their own subplot lifted from the show. Greg and Marcia try to move into their own room, Peter thinks about his future career, Jan creates an imaginary boyfriend (George Glass), and Cindy and Bobby become detectives. There’s also another subplot that involves Greg and Marcia developing romantic feelings for one another since they think they might no longer be brother and sister. This is a reference to fans of the original show who would pair the two together even though they were step siblings. The movie also uses references to other popular shows at the time like Gilligan’s Island and I Dream of Jeannie. A Very Brady Sequel is the perfect movie to watch on a sunshine day.

A Very Brady Sequelwedding

The Brady’s at a wedding

Preceded by: The Brady Bunch Movie

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